Hi there. Trust you are all well, here it's hot and sunny. Well I've gone crazy over cupcakes and can't get enough of them in any form whatsoever and have started to collect them. These are my first faux cupcakes I've bought, please don't use this photo it's copyright and I had to ask the owner if I could use them so please be kind enough to respect this.
I'm over the moon because my faux cupcakes from downunder ( Australia ) have arrived from Natasha Burns. I met Natasha via kari's spring tea party in March, she left me a msg on my blog wishing me happy spring so I returned the compliment, so glad I did because I have made a blog friend in Australia. Natasha also has Italian heritage and was here on holiday last year and she would love to come back, she used to speak Italian with her grandparents when she was young but has now forgotten most of it, maybe we can do a swap because I would dearly love to visit Australia.!!!!! I could brush up on my English and she could do likewise with her Italian.!!!!!! LOL.
Natasha is a very sweet person and above all a great artist I just love her work. The cupcakes I've received are just greyt,and in a fast shipping time too, the photo on her website doesn't do them justice, can't wait to buy more goodies from her...............next on my list faux sweets and lavender strawberries and the best thing of all they are all 0 calories !!!!!!!!!!!!.
Please drop by and give her a visit and leave a comment to let her know you passed by.
Questi sono faux cupcakes che ho comprato dal Natasha Burns in Australia. Lei e una persona dolce e un'artista bravissima, ha anche parentella italiana parte dei nonni, era qui in Italia l'anno scorso. Vai i visitare suo blog i lasciare anche un commento cosi lei puo vedere un po di visitatore dal il bel paese Italia.
per piacere non usare il foto non è mio e anche copyright, grazie
Joan you are just too kind, thank you so much for your lovely comments and for liking the cupcakes! Cheers,
My pleasure and well deserved...........also it's helping me with my diet!!!!!
Joan, anche io adoro i cupcakes...mi piace mangiarli!! P= Di che materiale sono quelli che hai preso di Natasha? Tempo fa ne avevo fatti alcuni per un mercatino di beneficienza, erano in feltro. Ma non sono come quelli che hai acquistato tu!! Davvero bellissimi! Ce ne fai vedere altri?
Certamente perche ho intenzione di comprane di più.
oh they are so pretty.
GGrazie Joan!!! Corro a vedere!!! :)
Hi Joan,
I'm your swap partner in the Cupcake Swap from Amy's blog, and I tried to contact you via email a few times but haven't heard back yet, so I thought I'd try to get in touch this way. Please email me (tm1224-at-gmail-dot-com) and get in touch so we can exchange addresses and cupcakes. :)
Thanks and talk to you soon,
Cara Crafty Joan...I am so jealous you get to live in Italy! I do so miss it. I am married to an ex-pay Londener (Luton) who came here (USA) to work, found me and decided to stay (that made me happy). So glad you stopped by my blog, I love your cupcakes...it took me a really long time to realize they were FAKE!!!
Spero di usare il mio terrible italiano. Ciao, ciao.
Hello from Toronto!
These cupcakes look awesome!
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